Monday, March 19, 2007

Welcome Home...

Hey everybody...

This is my last post for now, as I'm back the cold, rainy Holland!

Our last day at school was terrible, as we had to say goodbye to everyone. I've never cried so much in my life, because I'm really not good at saying goodbye to new people I've met and new friends I have to leave behind. Everyone has been so kind and sweet, made such an effort to make us feel at home! I really want to thank everyone who made this exchange possible, and I especially want to thank Lily and her/my 2Nd family! They have made my stay absolutely wonderful and I couldn't have wished for a better family to stay with! We also had to say a goodbye speech in front of the whole school during the assembly on Monday, which was pretty nerve wrecking...That afternoon, Debbie and Peter left to the USA and Canada for two weeks, so they came by at school to say goodbye. On our last evening, all the exchanges and the families went out for a last dinner at an Italian restaurant, and then we headed to the airport. We had such an emotional goodbye, and I'm getting teary eyed while I'm writing this, so I'm not going to tell you all the details ha ha.
The flight was quite terrible, as I couldn't sleep at all in the plane. So, over all, I've slept for approximately 1 hour, which made me quite tired the next day as you can imagine.
That weekend back at home was quite hard for me, and I think for the other two as well, as we were so used to our lifestyle in SA and love(d) it so much! I already want to go back...I hope I can go back as soon as possible to visit the lovely city of Cape Town and my dearest Lily!

Goodbye for now, and thank you for following my adventures in South Africa for the past 6 weeks!

Much love,


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